Thursday, 25 May 2017

Create financial models for startups to Increase your income

With so many business opportunities around, it pays to tap into the various ways you can grow your income. Startups usually require adequate and accurate information to aid their establishment and growth. Having this financial information in advance gives them a much-needed boost.

When offering this service to startups, you should ensure you have the right tools to carry out your tasks. You should also present the information in the easiest way possible. Financial modelling with excel gives one possible solution. This option allows you to easily present the figures and to organize the models well.

Your overall financial modeling experience will hinge upon your expertise. You should therefore ensure you have the right professional background to carry out this service. This will boost your credibility. To boost your business, also ensure you have the knowledge of the industry at hand. This assures your clients that they are receiving information they can trust.

Financial modelling with excel and other solutions become a timely resource that business owners can use. You will offer them a guide that will help get the business of the ground and grow in future. Your efforts will help them reach new heights in their business operations as they will face fewer challenges.

Your initial financial modeling experience should prepare you enough to venture into creating models for other industries. You can use project websites to sell your prepared models as well as bid for projects from potential sponsors. With adequate research, you should be able to create profitable financial models.

Friday, 12 May 2017

How Financial Modeling Is Important

Financial modeling refers to the process of building a simulation how the relevant industry parameters will affect the financial performance of a company during the next years. Since the model are heavily oriented towards financial information, financial models are characterized by a multiple of assumptions and calculations which are needed to derive the resulting financial forecast in terms of cash flow of basis. Such cash flow forecast then can be used to calculate the appropriate financial indicators such as the internal rate of return (IRR) or net present value (NPV) which are needed to make educated and rationale financial decisions. Financial models. Financial models are used by entrepreneurs and executives in all aspects when it comes down to make financial decisions, be it the allocation of budget towards investment projects, investment decisions, capital raising from banks or investors, buying or selling a company, breakeven analysis and many more applications.

Many businesses rely on specialized consultants for their financial modeling services. Businesses need to derive a detailed forecast on prices, volumes and costs which normally ends in a very time consuming exercise in order to build a solid financial model. Hiring an independent financial modeling freelancers or analyst makes it much easier to get that work done since the time-consuming work can be outsourced.

The main advantage of building a financial model is that it provides entrepreneurs and executives with a rational basis to make financial decisions. Since a financial model is a simplified version of reality, the usefulness of a financial model is determined by the quality of the analysis and the accuracy of the assumptions used. If you feed a financial model with the wrong assumptions and parameters, most likely also the outcome will be wrong. Financial modeling in excel therefore requires to ensure that the analysis performed is as accurate as possible and therefore needs the help of specialized financial modelers.